Friday, May 29, 2009

That's what you get for waking up at 7 a.m. for a THRIFT SALE.

Last night, I walked past my neighbor's house and was pretty much disgusted. Their entire front yard looked like a shit storm had just gone through and deposited on rickety picnic tables every useless piece of crap that not even Goodwill would take for donations. I was thinking to myself, "Either these people are having a thrift sale in the morning or the re-sale value on homes in the neighborhood just dropped 10%."

Sure enough. At 6:45 a.m., people started lining up, waiting for the tarps to be taken off the tables of junk that had sat untouched all night long. Yeah. That's how bad this stuff was. No one even tried stealing it.

Anyway, I couldn't help but laugh my ass off as I watched this all going down. NO ONE bought anything and they all drove away, pissed off that the thrift sale was selling a bunch of crap. Yeah. What a concept. I can't get over it. A thrift sale selling useless crap? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO. Where the hell is the painting with the hidden copy of the Constitution behind the frame??? I HEAR ABOUT THIS HAPPENING ALL THE TIME ON "ANTIQUES ROADSHOW."

In other news, the tickets for the Tesla concert came in the mail yesterday. 8th row, bay-beh. That's right. Where the high rollers sit. Nothing but the best for my dad.

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