Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm tired of keeping track of everyone's birthdays and shit.

I suppose this makes me sound like a bad person, but that's never stopped me before.

Confession: I have two nieces and can I remember their birthdays off the top of my head? No. I can't. Why? Because my head is too busy remembering birthdays for grandmas and grandpas, parents, and friends, as well as the anniversaries for some of these same people and whatever other significant events these people have warranting a damn card.

Yeah. Most of this shit is written down somewhere but then I have to remember to look for it.

I'm proposing this new policy:

I will send everyone a card on January 1 for everything they will be celebrating that year. They can open the damn card (clearly marked for the appropriate event) on that given day.

I pretty much think this is a great idea.

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