Monday, May 11, 2009

Well, I guess my heart is two sizes too small.

I watched "Seven Pounds" on Saturday night and could hardly stand it. After the movie ended, the only thing I felt was relief.

I spent 3/4 of the movie confused and the other 1/4 annoyed by the fact that Will Smith spent the entire movie on the verge of tears. There were times when I knew I was supposed to be sad, but since I couldn't figure out why, I was left just sitting there uncomfortably, wondering what in the hell was on TV.

Once I FINALLY figured out what this movie was about (no less than 25 minutes BEFORE IT WAS OVER), I realized I didn't like it. It made me uncomfortable. I personally found Will Smith's reaction to his "situation" a little bit unnecessary.

I can pretty safely say that I can relate to the whole "I caused an accident" thing and if the person in my life that can personally relate best to Will Smith would've behaved this way, I would've had him committed. Seriously.

Most of you are going to read this and think I'm a bad person and that's fine. Honestly, you probably thought I was a bad person BEFORE reading this anyway, so what does it really matter?

Plus, guess what? I got teary last night while listening to Joan Rivers talk about her charity during the finale of "Celebrity Apprentice", so there. I DO have a heart. It's just irrational. Like everyone else's in the damn world.

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